Experience a once-in-a-lifetime Tanzania Safari in Tarangire National Park with Ernest Magic Tours & Safaris – Your Tanzanian safari tour experts


Tarangire National Park, with a region of 2600 sq. kms, situated only 120 km from Arusha, is famous for its untamed wildlife population. Tarangire offers wonderful view over the savannah, interpassed with acacia and baobab trees includes the swamps, rivers, and rock outcrops. The area is immersed by several hills. Between June and December during this time of the year thousands of animals migrate from the dry Maasai steppe to Tarangire river looking for water.

On a Tanzania safari tours to Tarangire National Park among the species to be seen are buffalo, elephant, lion, warthog, eland, the fringe-eared, and a large number of impalas and gazelles. Tarangire National Park is also famous for tree climbing pythons and abundant bird life.

Tarangire Safari Tour

Best Time to Visit: From June to February.
How to get there: From Arusha to 2 hour drive or 35 minutes charter Flight.